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Writer's pictureCurious Wanderer

Kirk Creek Campground: Campsite With Unbeatable Views

Updated: Aug 30, 2020

The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't.” ― Christopher Paolini, Eragon

It is not an exaggeration when I say that Kirk Creek Campground is the prettiest campsite I have ever been. Maybe if and when I've been to all the campsites in the world, this would no longer be true, but for now, it certainly is.

Kirk Creek Campground is sitting right on top and on the side of the California coastal cliff with the ocean straight below and the ocean and horizon right in front of you. I reserved this site six months prior so there were no other camp "sites" or spots between us and the ocean. Yes, you can reserve - Woohoo!

Our "site" is not dirt, but grass so we didn't have muddy or dusty feet, which is pretty much a camping standard. Not here though. Each "site" surrounded by bushes so your "site" is clearly delineated. This also means there are bunnies and squirrels running around if you are quiet long enough. The kids loved this --- until they found one of the squirrels have taken off with their Cheez-Its.

By the way, if you forget to secure your trash and food, the raccoons WILL get to them and then you’ll have to clean up after those little masked bandits.

Also found a small snake sunning itself but it took off quickly when it sensed me approaching. Don't let this prevent you from camping, most snakes would rather avoid you than attack you. I'm sure there is that one-in-a-million psycho snake that defies convention, but for the most part, snakes should not cause you any problems.

Before I start getting any more emotional about Kirk Creek Campground, let me list the basics:

- Each camp site has a picnic table, a barbeque grill, a fire pit, and space for vehicle parking.

- The grounds does not have shower facilities or clean water faucet/spigot. You have to bring all your drinking water to the site with you.

- There is a non-flushing bathroom centrally located to all the sites.

- Kirk Creek Campground has direct access to a couple of trails.

Pardon the mess: I promised myself I would not miss the sunset for anything - especially "cleaning".

Most of our neighbors during our stay brought their own trailers or campers and were perfectly happy to sit at this camp site, day in and day out, and just watch the view. Maybe I'll do that next time we are here. I can't make that promise, though, as I have "itchy feet". FYI, "itchy feet" is a direct translation of a Filipino phrase that refers to someone's desire to constantly move, go out or travel.

We were fortunate enough that during our stay, the perimeter bushes were flowering. It just added to the already-unbeatable charm of Kirk Creek Campground.

Every morning, I wake up and the view is different. Every afternoon, I look up from what I am doing and find the sky has changed. Every evening as the sun sets over the horizon, I can breathe a little easier knowing that whatever I am currently struggling with in life, there will be another day and that most of my worries are rarely of import to my eternity.

Kirk Creek Campground

Off of California Highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway), Big Sur CA 93920

just north of Nacimiento-Fergusson Road

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